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Getting from Mostar to Dubrovnik


For a journey from Mostar to Dubrovnik, there are several options to consider depending on your route preferences, budget and time.
The cheapest way to travel between these two cities is a bus which costs 107 HRK one way.

The quickest way is to drive, which takes just over 2,5 hours if traffic is fine. At present, there are no trains nor flights from Mostar to Dubrovnik.
See below options for this popular travel route:

From Mostar to Dubrovnik by Bus:

From Mostar to Dubrovnik by Bus

Mostar and Dubrovnik are connected by at least four daily buses. The journey time is about 3.5 hours, sometimes longer, depending on the route the bus takes and traffic situation, particularly in the summer season. Out of high summer, season buses are less frequent, however, there are at least two daily buses (mornings and afternoons) all year round.

The start of the journey in Mostar Katerdala or Mostar Istok bus stations /terminals from where a bus takes you through Čapljina and Metković and further along the coast to Dubrovnik. After about 2 hrs drive the bus crosses the border between Bosnia and Croatia in Neum where you get through border passport control. The short break at the border passengers often uses for refreshments, drink or quick meal. From there, another 1.5 hrs drive and you are in Dubrovnik bus station. One way tickets cost from 107 HRK (about 9 Euro or £8 approx)

Departure times from Mostar to Dubrovnik:

6:45; 10:15; 12:30  / Arrival times in Dubrovnik: 11:00 ; 13:40; 15:45
Typical bus route includes stopping in: Mostar Katedrala – Mostar Zapad – Mostar Istok – Čapljina – Metković – Opuzen – Neum  – Ston /Doli / Peljesac crossroads – Slano – Dubrovnik.

Departure times from Dubrovnik to Mostar:

08:00; 16:00 & 17:15 / Arrival times in Mostar: 11:45; 19:30 & 20:15
Typical bus route includes stopping in: Dubrovnik – Trsteno – Slano – Ston /Doli / Peljesac crossroads – Neum – Opuzen – Metković – Čapljina – Mostar

Some buses from Mostar after reaching Dubrovnik proceed to Montenegro, while in other direction, some buses from Dubrovnik after reaching Mostar proceed to Sarajevo and further to Zenica and beyond.

Travel Tip:

If you travel from Mostar, take a seat on the right side of the bus as from there you will  have a great view of the coast, sea and islands along the route
If you travel from Dubrovnik, take a seat on the left side of the bus as from there you will have a great view along the route of the coast, sea and islands.

Driving from Mostar to Dubrovnik:

Driving from Mostar to Dubrovnik:

Driving from Mostar to Dubrovnik takes about 2,5 hours (distance of about 120 km) or more. There are three driving routes which is either from Mostar via Buna, Stolac and Trebinje to Dubrovnik by M6 and M18 roads or from Mostar via Metković to Dubrovnik by via M6 and D8 routes (130 km approx) or Mostar via Buna, Stolac, Bileca and Trebinje to Dubrovnik by R427 and M20 (150km approx). Planning your journey in advance will help to make your journey go smoothly so make sure you check latest weather and traffic info for the area. See the driving route map here

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Day trip and private transfers from Dubrovnik to Mostar:

If you would like to visit Mostar on a day trip from Dubrovnik there is a good offer for 59 Euro – see here.
If you just need a private transfer from Dubrovnik airport or your hotel in Dubrovnik there is an offer for 43 Euro here. Both offers are a great and easy way to visit both cities in very little time and can work out cheaply. You can also check Uber transfer from Dubrovnik to Mostar which is at present priced from 510 HRK

There is no train connection between Mostar and Dubrovnik. However, you can get a train as far as Čapljina so if you are train fun, take a train in Mostar and change for a bus from Čapljina to Dubrovnik.

Location Map of Mostar and Dubrovnik:

On the above map, you can see the usual driving route between these two cities.

Popular routes: Split to Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik to Split, Hvar to Dubrovnik, Dubrovnik to Hvar

Mostar bus terminal GPS: 43°21’06.4″N 17°47’54.4″E
Dubrovnik bus & ferry terminal GPS: 42°39’47.0″N 18°04’59.5″E
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