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Getting from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik


When planning your journey from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik there are several options to consider depending on your preferences and timings.
The cheapest way to travel between these two cities is a bus which costs 148 HRK.
The quickest way is to drive, which takes just under 4 hours if traffic is fine, or to fly, via Zagreb.
Here are the travel options for this very popular travel route:

From Sarajevo to Dubrovnik by Bus:

Sarajevo to Dubrovnik by Bus

Sarajevo and Dubrovnik are connected by several daily buses in service between two cities. The journey time is at least 5 hours, sometimes even 6 or 7 depending on the route the particular bus company uses as well as of traffic, especially in the high season. Out-of-season buses are less frequent but there are always at least two direct buses a day. The journey starts from Sarajevo’s main bus station (bus terminal) and takes you through Konjic and Mostar and further down to Metkovic or/ and Ploce and from there along the coast to Dubrovnik. After about 4 hrs of drive, the bus reaches the Neum corridor where you get through the border passport control procedure. From there-there is another 1.5 hrs drive and you are in Dubrovnik main bus station. One way tickets cost from 148 HRK (the cheapest I could find so far)

Departure times from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik:

10:00;  / Arrival times in Dubrovnik: 15:45 ;
Typical bus route includes stopping in: Sarajevo  – Hadžići – Konjic – Jablanica – Mostar – Čapljina – Metković – Opuzen – Neum  – Ston /Doli / Peljesac crossroads – Slano – Trsteno  – Dubrovnik.

Departure times from Dubrovnik to Sarajevo:

8:00 & 16:00 / Arrival times in Sarajevo: 13:45 & 21:45
Typical bus route includes stopping in: Dubrovnik – Trsteno – Slano – Ston /Doli / Peljesac crossroads – Neum – Opuzen – Metković – Čapljina – Mostar – Jablanica – Konjic – Hadžići – Sarajevo.

Travel Tip:

If you travel from Sarajevo, a seat on the right side of the bus will offer you great views of the coast, sea, and islands.
If you travel from Dubrovnik to Sarajevo, a seat on the left side of the bus will offer you great views of the coast, sea, and islands.

Driving from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik:

Driving from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik takes at least 4 hours (a distance of about 245 km). There are two driving routes which are either from Sarajevo via Foca, Gacko, Bileca and Trebinje to Dubrovnik by M20 and M18 roads or from Sarajevo via Hadžići, Konjic, Jablanica, Mostar and Metković to Dubrovnik by M6 and E73 & M17 routes.

Click here to see driving routes from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik

From Sarajevo to Dubrovnik by Plane:

flights between Sarajevo and Dubrovnik

At the present, there are no direct flights between Sarajevo and Dubrovnik airport. However, you can fly to Dubrovnik taking one stopover in Zagreb. So fly from Sarajevo to Zagreb (50 minutes flight) and then another flight from Zagreb to Dubrovnik (45 minutes flight). The journey time is from about 2,5 hours (if timings are good) to 6 hrs if you need to wait at the airport for connecting flight. The current prices are from 550 HRK one way. The above image is an example of timings for this route. See more info about flying to Dubrovnik

Day trip and Private transfers from Dubrovnik to Sarajevo:

If you would like to visit Sarajevo on a hassle-free day trip see this offer here; or if you just need a private transfer from Dubrovnik airport or your hotel to Sarajevo, check also this offer. Both offers are a great and easy way to visit both cities in very little time and can work out cheap. Also, consider an Uber ride from Dubrovnik to Sarajevo (prices from 958 HRK)

Need Entry Tickets to Town Walls? Buy Now

Map of Driving from Sarajevo to Dubrovnik:

Sarajevo bus terminal GPS: 43.858778, 18.396965 / 43°51’31.6″N 18°23’49.1″E
Dubrovnik bus/ferry terminal GPS: 42°39’47.0″N 18°04’59.5″E

Note: There is no train connection between Sarajevo and Dubrovnik

Sarajevo to Dubrovnik Forum conversation:

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