Lapad to Dubrovnik Old Town

Directions for getting from Lapad to the Old Town:
The shortest distance between Lapad and Dubrovnik old town is 3 kilometres (calculated from the main square). Taking a bus or taxi will be a bit longer, as the traffic system in the town in this direction includes some one-way streets (about 4.2 km). If you take a taxi from Lapad to the Old town you can expect to be there in 15 minutes (if there are no traffic jams). By bus, you can expect to be there in 25 to 30 minutes (bus stops on several stations in between)
By local bus: take bus line 6 or 4, get on the bus in Lapad on any of local bus stops (there are several stops around Peninsula) and get off at Pile bus stop (Pile gate). Get off, walk across the bridge and down the steps to the Stradun, the Old town. The bus ride is about 30 minutes each way. If you take a route 6, it is a bit longer than a taxi ride because the bus goes along the sea while route 4 and taxies they drive in the straight line across to the Old Town. Still, some one-way traffic streets make both routes slower.
By taxi or Uber: From Lapad to the Old town it takes about 15 minutes drive (about 3 km). This is also a shorter trip than one getting back from the Old Town to Lapad, because of the one-way traffic (the distance this way is about 4 km). You can get a taxi in Lapad, Ulica Kralja Tomislava Street (taxi Lapad location map) or get a ride from Uber. The cost for a ride is between 50 and 90 HRK depending on demand – just checked the Uber and got a quote of 40 HRK one way (early April price).
Walking or cycling from Lapad to the Old Town: If you have some time, the weather is fine and you don’t have to carry luggage, walking from Lapad to Old town can actually be a very nice walk. You will start in Kralja Tomislava, pass along Ulica Iva Vojnovica Street and after about 20 minutes walk you will see the sea and horizon on your right side, passing right above Bellevue Beach and further along Boninovo. From there you can either walk straight to the Old Town or take a detour to Gradac Park and Dance beach which is just 10 min walk from Pile and the entrance to the Old Town. I recommend you this detour even if you have just 20 spare minutes, as views from there are just perfect: open sea, Lovrijenac fort, a small church and convent – this is one of my favourite spots in the town.
Driving Map from Lapad to the Old Town:
GPS Lapad: 42.655802, 18.070170
GPS Pile (entrance to the Old Town): 42.641708, 18.107208
On the above map, you can see just driving directions to the Old Town that takes into consideration one-way streets. The route can be much shorter if you walk across the peninsula, along with the sea and above the cliffs all the way down to Pile Gate.