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Dubrovnik Weather in January

Miserable January day in Dubrovnik
Miserable January day in Dubrovnik

Average Daily Temperatures

January weather in Dubrovnik is very cold. Most of the days are windy with either chilly Bura wind or Siloko, the wet and rainy wind. The average daily temperature is 9 ° C ( 48 ° F ).

Average Sea Temperature Maximum Temperature Average RainfallAverage number of rainy daysAverage Number of Sunny Days
9 ° C14 ° C18 ° C 122 mm 12 days 8 days
48 ° F57 ° F64 ° F

Sunshine and rainfall

The average rainfall is 122 mm for January, with only about 8 sunny days to expect here in this time of the year. The rest of the days are expected to be either rainy or cloudy.

Beach and Sea Temperatures

January is too cold to swim, windsurf or any other water-based activity. If your hotel has an indoor swimming pool you can use that one or go for a swim in the local public swimming pool (see here).

What to wear in January

Do not let January weather scare you away from enjoying the town this month. If you come well prepared and well packed, you will still be able to enjoy all that town has to offer in the winter months, including New Years Eve and Christmas.

  • warm jacket / warm trousers / boots / scarf / jumper / hat / winter gloves/ umbrella or waterproof
  • see more info about what to wear and what to pack month by month
  • check also what is the best time to visit Dubrovnik


  • The average temperatures are for period 1961-2018 – source Meteo
  • Sea temperatures source Nasa

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